Dr Tishya Indran is a haematologist with an interest in platelet and blood disorders. She graduated from The University of Adelaide and completed dual training in clinical and laboratory haematology in 2018. She trained at The Royal Adelaide Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, SA, Liverpool Hospital, NSW, Monash VIC, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and The Alfred Hospital, VIC. She has experience in treating benign and malignant haematological disorders.
Dr Tishya Indran has also undertaken a laboratory haemostasis fellowship in Loyola University Medical Centre, Chicago. At present, she is completing her PhD through the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute with a focus in haemostasis and thrombosis. She also has a clinical and laboratory attachment with the Royal Melbourne Hospital haematology laboratory while undertaking her PhD.
During her free time, she enjoys playing tennis and spending time with her family.